Science on Screen: The Prestige with Peter McOwan
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The second in the LML and Barbican joint Science on Screen series took place on 16 June with Professor of Computer Science Peter McOwan introducing one of his favourite films “The Prestige”.
Why cooperate?
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Ole Peters and Alex Adamou have written a paper titled The evolutionary advantage of cooperation. Here they show how the simple and universal setting of noisy multiplicative growth predicts the formation of cooperating units
Data-driven prediction of thresholded time series of rainfall and self-organized criticality models
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Together with co-authors with Anna Deluca and Álvaro Corral, Nicholas has studied the predictability of thresholded events in rain data and the Manna model. Specifically, a running hazard function is used as a decision variable
The perils of thresholding
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Together with co-authors Francesc Font-Clos, Gunnar Pruessner and Anna Deluca, Nicholas has studied the effect of thresholding on birth-death processes. The exact distribution of the duration time above threshold can be computed.
Science on Screen lift-off
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The Science on Screen collaboration between LML and the Barbican got off to a block-busting start with Mark Buchanan reminding us of Enrico Fermi’s realisation that an alien invasion may be closer than we think.
Science On Screen: Oblivion with Mark Buchanan
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LML is pleased to announce its partnership with London’s Barbican on a series of six events in which notable scientists present their favourite films to explore the overlap between science and the arts.
Scientific Work Experience
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From 15-16th January, LML welcomed Hiro, Ren and Suzuka from the Japanese School in London for scientific work experience. On the first day the students were given a tutorial survey of time series,
Tongue-tied by authority
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LML was delighted to host three distinguished speakers at the event, Tongue-tied by authority, held on 12th November 2014 The event explored the themes of academic authority and paradigm shifts.
Summer studentships
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For 4 weeks in July/August, LML welcomed 6 summer project students:
Stationarity of extreme bursts in the solar wind
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Nicholas R. Moloney and Joern Davidsen have an article in Physical Review E on their analysis of extreme bursts in the solar wind: