Along with colleagues Jorge Velasco-Hernandez and David Sanders, LML External Fellow Isaac Pérez Castillo has organised a series of seminars to be held throughout the rest of the year on topics linked to the COVID-19 pandemic. The list of invited seminar speakers is:
- Zhilan Julie Feng, Purdue University
- Esteban Hernandez, IM-UNAM
- Marco Tulio Angulo, IMATE-UNAM
- Esteban Moro, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
- Jane Marie Heffernan, York University
- Alexei Tkachenko, Brookhaven National Laboratory
- Mauricio Santillana, Harvard
- Joshua Weitz, Georgia Tech
- Julien Arino, University of Manitoba
- Mario Santana, IMATE-UNAM
- Jonathan Dushoff, McMaster University
The first event was held last week, Tuesday 11 August. Further events will be held weekly on Tuesdays, all at 5 pm Mexico City time 5 pm CDT (UTC/GMT-5).
To attend to these seminars, please register here.
The series of events is sponsored by MeXSIAM and the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) grant IV100220, which is part of a funding call at UNAM to tackle COVID-19.
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