The LML Summer School for 2018 ran from mid-July to mid-August and was a great success, with eight students collaborating on projects supervised by LML Fellows. The students made their final presentations on 17 August, and these are now available online, links given below.
The students and topics explored were:
Yuanyuan Fang (Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
“Portfolio optimization under ℓ1 regularization” (Supervisors: Imre Kondor and Fabio Caccioli) [Presentation]
Santiago Guzmán Pro (National Autonomous University of Mexico)
“On the effect of resetting in random walks on graphs” (Supervisors: Colm Connaughton and Fernando Metz) [Presentation]
Inès Mbonda (Stellenbosch University)
“Risk and return: gambling score model for forecast evaluation” (Supervisors: Jiancang Zhuang and Max Werner) [Presentation]
Sarah Neill (University of California, Berkeley)
“Evaluation of model performance in climate and earthquake hazard prediction” (Supervisors: Max Werner and Erica Thompson) [Presentation]
Roberto Morán Tovar (University of Cologne)
“Anomalous diffusion in discrete maps’ dynamics” (Supervisors: Yuzuru Sato, Rainer Klages and Nicholas Moloney) [Presentation]
George Wynne (Imperial College London)
“From microscopic to macroscopic noise: the dynamics of transitions around noisy networks” (Supervisors: Claire Postlethwaite and Rosemary Harris) [Presentation]
Takumi Chihara (Hokkaido University)
“Extracting random maps from experimental time series of turbulent swirling flow” (Supervisors: Davide Faranda, Yuzuru Sato and Nicholas Moloney) [Presentation]
Khatia Sharia (Tblisi State University)
“Ergodicity in a simple random dynamical system” (Supervisors: Yuzuru Sato, Jeroen Lamb and Ole Peters) [Presentation]
Final presentations from the 2018 LML Summer School now online
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