Ergodicity and the Economics of Sustainability

Satellite meeting at the Conference on Complex Systems 2024

When: 3 September 2024

Where: Room 5, Forum building, University of Exeter

Join us at the full-day satellite meeting!

This satellite focuses on the role of ergodicity and ergodicity breaking in ecological and economic processes, and the implications for valuation of ecosystem services and environmental risks. It will be an excellent opportunity to connect with other researchers and engage in a multidisciplinary discussion on approaches to time and uncertainty in relations to climate change, planetary boundaries, tipping points, path dependency, extinction risk, and sustainability.

No pre-registration to the satellite is required, however, to participate you must be registered to the CCS conference. Please see the “Practical information” below.


Please email Emilie Soysal at

Speakers include

(full programme above)

Prof. Tim Lenton
University of Exeter

Prof. Steve Keen

Prof. Ole Peters
Santa Fe Institute, London Mathematical Laboratory

Dr. Emilie Soysal
London Mathematical Laboratory

Practical information

  • Satellite: 3 September 2024 (full day)
  • Conference: 2-6 September 2024

University of Exeter, England (in-person only)


The satellite is a part of the Conference on Complex Systems 2024 (CCS’24), organised by the Complex Systems Society, Northeastern University London, and the University of Exeter.


Registration to the CCS’24 conference is required to participate in this satellite meeting. Please register via the main conference website, which can be found here:


Conference participation fees are listed in the table below. The fee for ‘satellites only’ includes all satellites 2-3 September, while the other listed fees cover the whole conference 2-6 September, including the satellite meetings. For more details, please visit the CCS’24 website.

Early registration is possible until 15 July 2024.

FeesSatellites onlyPhD studentPost docSenior academicNon-academic
Satellite theme

Climate change and the breaking of planetary boundaries can lead to irreversible changes in the biosphere, posing a fundamental risk to all human activity. The existence of tipping points and absorbing states such as irreversible damages and extinction imply ergodicity breaking in the ecosystem. The objective of this satellite is to foster a multidisciplinary discussion around the fundamental question: How does the non-ergodic nature of the ecological and economic processes impact economic approaches to ecosystem services and the environment?

Ergodicity breaking is an important theme in complexity theory. In non-ergodic systems, averaging over a probability space (expected value) and averaging over time lead to different results, which means that the trajectory of the individual through time departs systematically from the average path of the collective. Ergodicity breaking is particularly important when no collective exists and no approximation to a statistical ensemble can be made.

Satellite committee
  • Oliver Bettis (Institute and Faculty of Actuaries)
  • Ole Peters (LML, Santa Fe Institute)
  • William Hynes (World Bank, UCL, Santa Fe Institute)
  • Colm Connaughton (LML, University of Warwick)
  • Emilie Soysal (LML)

Call for Abstracts (ended)


Please submit an abstracts of max. 250 words together with your contact details.

We would love to have a diverse group of presenters and strongly encourage submissions from women and under-represented minorities.

Submission deadline:

30 June 2024

Decision notification:

5 July 2024