Category: LML
Warwick workshop on ergodicity breaking and anomalous dynamics
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In partnership with Warwick University, Nicholas Moloney, Colm Connaughton, Nick Watkins and Yuzuru Sato co-organised a workshop on ergodicity breaking and anomalous dynamics, held at Warwick University from 10-12th August.
Summer School 2016
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LML welcomed 7 project students to the summer school for 4 weeks in July/August. The students came from Germany, India and the UK. They were joined by an A-level student supported by a Nuffield research placement.
Far from equilibrium: Wealth reallocation in the United States
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2015 summer school student and LML visitor Yonatan Berman and LML Fellows Ole Peters and Alex Adamou have published an empirical study of wealth inequality in the United States.
Yonatan Berman awarded Dan David Prize Scholarship
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2015 Summer School student and current LML Visitor, Yonatan Berman, has been awarded a Dan David Prize Scholarship to support his doctoral research into Stochastic Modeling of Inequality in Complex Financial and Economic Systems.
Charles Beauclerk appointed Writer-in-Residence
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LML is delighted to welcome author and Shakespearean scholar, Charles Beauclerk, as its first Writer-in-Residence. Charles will spend six months at LML engaging with its community of scientists, continuing existing writing projects,
LML Master’s Scholar secures Imperial College PhD Scholarship
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The LML Scholar Rosalba Garcia-Millan, currently studying towads a Master’s degree at Oxford University, has accepted an offer of a full PhD Scholarship from the Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Physics section
Kyoto workshop on extreme value statistics and anomalous dynamics
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Nicholas Moloney and Yuzuru Sato co-organised a workshop on extreme value statistics and anomalous dynamics, held at Kyoto University from 16-25th March. Theoretical talks covered topics in stochastic processes
Economics lectures in India
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Ole Peters delivered a set of lectures on economics at the complex systems winter school in Mohali, India. The lectures were based on notes, co-authored with Alex Adamou, that will form the basis for future lecture courses.
Summer Studentships 2015
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LML welcomed 7 project students to take up their summer studentships for 4 weeks in August. The students came from Belgium, Greece, Israel, Italy, UK, and Ukraine, and were the first occupants of LML’s new guesthouse.
Max Werner appointed External Fellow
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LML is pleased to announce that Max Werner has been appointed External Fellow. Max is a lecturer in Natural Hazards and Risk at The University of Bristol. His research interests centre on earthquake physics