Author: LML administrator
Stability of heteroclinic cycles in rings of coupled oscillators
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Complex networks of interconnected physical systems arise in many areas of mathematics, science and engineering. Many such systems exhibit heteroclinic cycles – dynamical trajectories that show a roughly periodic behaviour, with non-convergent time averages.
Learning a weather dictionary of atmospheric patterns using Latent Dirichlet Allocation
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The mid-latitude atmospheric circulation is challenging to describe due to the turbulent and chaotic nature of the underlying flow, driven by the unstable dynamics of the jet stream. In general, the phase space of such turbulent geophysical flows appears to be large. […]
Metrics and Mechanisms: Measuring the Unmeasurable in the Science of Science
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How does science work? What are its core mechanisms? In recent decades, research has increasingly explored such questions using a variety of quantitative metrics which can be easily calculated from publications. But some of these can be deceiving.
Ranking earthquake forecasts using proper scoring rules: Binary events in a low probability environment
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Probabilistic earthquake forecasts can be used to estimate the chance of future earthquake hazards, or to model important risk quantities including the number of fatalities, damaged elements of infrastructure or economic losses. The Collaboratory for the Study of Earthquake Predictability (CSEP)
Measuring Unfair Inequality: Reconciling Equality of Opportunity and Freedom from Poverty
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Over the past few decades, rising income inequality has spurred debates around the world. While many call for policies to help redistribute wealth and counter inequality, others argue that inequality is actually necessary to both motivate and reward hard work and economic […]
Inference on the History of a Randomly Growing Tree
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The skeletal outlines of many natural processes resemble growing tree-like networks. Examples include the movement of a disease through a human community, news or rumours through social media or a computer virus through a web of connected computers. The elements in these […]
Interview with LML Laboratory Director Colm Connaughton
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As a new feature of the LML blog, I will be running a series of occasional interviews with some of the LML Fellows and other individuals linked to the laboratory. This is an interview with Colm Connaughton,
Interview with LML Fellow Davide Faranda
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As a new feature of the LML blog, I will be running a series of occasional interviews with some of the LML Fellows and other individuals linked to the laboratory. This is a first interview with Davide Faranda,
London traffic, climate lawsuits and the paradoxical nature of science
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Here are some links to several recent articles by LML External Fellow Mark Buchanan London’s traffic problems won’t be solved by a new driving tax Bloomberg Opinion 22 February, 2022 How do you get to work in the morning? If you live […]
Epidemic oscillations induced by social network control: the discontinuous case
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Since the early days of control theory, engineers have understood that feedback can give rise to spontaneous and sustained oscillations. Examples abound in engineering systems such as thermostats and steering devices, as well as in natural and biological systems – for example, […]